Our proprietary and comprehensive, round-the-clock media monitoring provides reliable and contextualized news updates, including:
Our analysis provides a deeper look at key political, economic and security trends. This offering is delivered in several ways:
News Alerts
As events warrant, a News Alert will be issued to our clients and users with analysis of breaking news. Our alerts are designed to be timely, but never at the expense of accuracy.
Daily Briefs
A daily bulletin based on a comprehensive monitoring of the key media outlets in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. Our team spends 50 man-hours daily going through dozens of news and social media outlets so you don’t have to.
Access to Analysts
Our corporate clients have direct access to INSIGHT analysts based on an agreed number of hours during the course of the membership.
Monthly & Biannual Reviews
A critical think piece based on analysis of trends on a monthly basis and twice a year replaced by our Bi-annual Review, which is an internal INSIGHT document that assesses potential key events for the six months ahead.
Round Tables
INSIGHT conducts half-day multi-client executive workshop sessions twice a year in London to present a mid-year review and analysis and to discuss expected developments in the forthcoming quarters.
Get in touch
Find out how our media monitoring service and analysis can help inform your decisions.
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